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Tell us what you think about the People and Place sections of the Park Plan

We’ve had a fantastic response to the questions within the draft Park Plan, thank you for sharing your voices. We’ll be keeping you posted over the coming weeks with news and updates on the topics where we need to hear more of your opinions.  

The Cairngorms Youth Action project empowers young people to play a strong role in creating a sustainable future for the Cairngorms, giving them a platform to share and develop ideas that lead to proactive participation in decision making.

If we’re to meet our #NetZero targets, we will need everyone living and working in the Cairngorms to work together in one direction.  With this in mind, we asked the Cairngorms Youth Action Team for their views on key questions within the draft Park Plan, and this is what they said:

Now we’d like to hear what you think . Submit your views on the People section of the plan here , and the Place section of the plan here .

You have until the 17 December to feedback on the draft Cairngorms National Park Partnership Plan.

Posted on 15th November 2021

by Admin