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What are your priorities for the Park?


Cairngorms National Park granite sign

We have identified six themes for this initial stage of the consultation:

  1. People and nature
  2. Economic recovery
  3. Achieving net zero
  4. Local communities
  5. Visitors to the Park
  6. A Park for everyone

Your answers will help us identify the things that really matter to people who care about the Cairngorms National Park. What you tell us will help shape the contents of the next National Park Partnership Plan and will also help us identify future consultation questions, for example where opinions differ or where more detailed discussion is needed. 

You are welcome to write as much or as little as you like for each section, but in order to get a range of opinions we'd be grateful if you could answer all the questions. This should take around 15-20 minutes to complete.


1. People and nature

More than half of the Cairngorms National Park is designated as being of national importance in terms of natural heritage and the Park is home to 25 per cent of the UK’s threatened species. Land is managed for a wide range of uses, from moorland estates and commercial forestry to recreational activities and nature conservation. In this section, we'd like your views on how people and nature co-exist within the National Park. 


2. Economic recovery

Covid-19 has had a significant impact on the economic health of businesses and communities across Scotland, with Scotland's GDP around 7.6% smaller than it was before the pandemic (source: 'Scotland's Wellbeing: The Impact of Covid-19', Scottish Government, Dec 2020). In this section, we'd like your views on how businesses and the economy of the National Park can recover, and what support they need to do so. 


3. Achieving net zero

The Scottish Government has committed Scotland to reaching net zero carbon emissions by 2045. This will require significant changes in the way we live, work and do business. In this section, we'd like your views on how individuals, communities and organisations within the National Park should go about meeting this target. 


4. Local communities

The Cairngorms National Park is home to 18,000 people across five local authority areas: Aberdeenshire, Moray, Highland, Angus, and Perth and Kinross. In this section, we'd like your views on how people can get involved in decisions affecting their local area, community or field of interest. 


5. Visitors to the Park

In a typical year over two million visitors come to the National Park from all over the world and the trend has been increasing. In this section, we'd like your views on what the future of tourism in the area should look like. 


6. A Park for everyone

The Cairngorms National Park was established to 'promote understanding and enjoyment (including enjoyment in the form of recreation) of the special qualities of the area by the public'. In this section, we'd like your views on how we can break down barriers so that people from all walks of life can explore and enjoy the area.


We're almost there!

Thank you for giving us your views on six key themes within the Cairngorms National Park. In this final section, we'd like your views on which topic is most important to you, as well as picking up on anything we may have missed along the way. 

This engagement phase has finished

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