Track the Project Timeline - Cairngorms Views

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Over the coming months we will be asking for your views on a range of major issues affecting the Cairngorms National Park, from the climate emergency to local employment opportunities, housing and public transport. The consultation will run from June until December, with the specific phases outlined in more detail below.
  • Initial consultation

    June 2021




    Mid-Sep 2021

    Consultation begins with the aim of establishing key themes and talking points from a diverse range of people.
  • Draft plan + formal consultation period

    23 Sep 2021




    17 Dec 2021

    Based on audience feedback, a draft plan is produced and made available for formal consultation.
  • Collating responses and editing plan

    End Dec 2021




    Mar 2022

    All comments from the consultation are pulled together and analysed. The plan is amended accordingly.
  • Approval of the plan

    Mar 2022




    Jun 2022

    Formal approval is sought from the Cairngorms National Park Authority board and Scottish Ministers to adopt the plan.
  • National Park Partnership Plan

    Summer 2022





    The final five-year National Park Partnership Plan is published.