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The consultation on the draft Cairngorms National Park Partnership Plan is now closed. You can still view the plan objectives below, or click here to download a pdf version.

Check out our latest news section for all the latest updates or email haveyoursay@cairngorms.co.uk if you have any queries or comments.

Nature actions 2022 – 2027

These are the actions that will help to deliver the long-term Nature objectives and outcomes over the next five years.

Woman, man and dog hiking


Nature actions 2022-2027



Carbon audit and baseline established for the Cairngorms National Park in 2022. 

Annual reporting on progress in achieving net zero for the Cairngorms National Park. 



Expand woodland by a minimum of 7,000 ha through delivery of Cairngorms National Park Forest Strategy and targeted grants schemes. Ensure all scales of woodland are considered and supported. 

Work with land managers to ensure existing woodlands are managed for a range of benefits including timber production, public access, biodiversity etc.  

Scottish Forestry, landowners, NatureScot, CNPA, ConFor


Restore a minimum of 6,500 ha of peatland.

Increase contractor capacity and job opportunities through a peatland skills training programme. 

Skills Development Scotland, Highlands and Islands Enterprise, Scottish Enterprise, CNPA, NatureScot, private contractor businesses, landowners, Scottish Land and Estates


Work with Deer Management Groups (especially in the south of the National Park) on land management plans to reduce habitat impact and deliver wider public benefits.

Develop better understanding of potential range for deer densities in the future once woodland is established.           

NatureScot, CNPA, Deer Management Groups, eNGOs, British Deer Society, Scottish Gamekeepers' Association, Association of Deer Management Groups, British Association of Shooting and Conservation


Introduction of grouse moor licensing and other elements of Grouse Review within the Cairngorms National Park.

Establish baseline numbers of gamebirds released and impact on biodiversity. 

Investigate use of Cairngorms National Park Authority powers to regulate game bird releases and develop approach within the National Park.

Scottish Government, NatureScot, CNPA, landowners, eNGOs, Scottish Land and Estates, Game and Wildlife Conservation Trust, British Association of Shooting and Conservation


Identify accurate baseline for deep peat.

Develop system for regulating no burn regime.

Develop system for licensing muirburn on shallower peat.

Investigate use of CNPA powers to regulate fire and develop approach within the Park.

ScotGov, NatureScot, Scottish Land and Estates, landowners, Game and Wildlife Conservation Trust, eNGOs, Scottish Fire and Rescue Service, CNPA


Develop nature-friendly farming projects (woodland, waders, species rich grassland) as part of the Cairngorms Nature Action Plan

National Farmers' Union of Scotland, Farmer Liaison Group, Scottish Land and Estates, NatureScot, Quality Meat Scotland, Game and Wildlife Conservation Trust

A7, A8

Develop and establish a Regional Land Use Framework and Partnership.  

Develop and support Estate Management Plans and wildlife estates. 

CNPA, Scottish Government, National Farmers' Union of Scotland, NatureScot, farmers, landowners, eNGOs, Scottish Land and Estates, Scottish Forestry, Crown Estate Scotland, Wildlife Estates Scotland


Deliver Catchment Management Plans.

Catchment Management Partnerships


Cairngorms Nature Networks – a spatial mapping of potential and strategic areas for expanding, enhancing and increasing connectivity of habitats and species in the National Park.

Cairngorms Nature Partnership 


Revise and deliver the Cairngorms Nature Action Plan. 

Work with Cairngorms Connect, East Cairngorms Moorland Partnership and others to expand the area of the National Park under ecosystem restoration. 

Cairngorms Nature Partnership, Cairngorms Connect, East Cairngorms Moorland Partnership


Establish Cairngorms Nature Index.

Establish Cairngorms Nature Atlas / data portal.

Monitor changes in Special Landscape Qualities.

Cairngorms Nature Partnership


Develop approach to designations in the National Park to help deliver ecological restoration and net zero carbon emissions.

Develop NatureScot Conservation Advice Packages.

NatureScot, CNPA, eNGOs, Scottish Land and Estates


Deliver Species Recovery Plans for priority species through the Cairngorms Nature Action Plan.

Apply Scottish Government policy to facilitate species reintroduction.

Reduce wildlife crime as an issue in the National Park, with a specific focus on eliminating it as a constraint on raptor numbers and expansion in the National Park.  

Cairngorms Nature Partnership, Police Scotland


Trial a green finance project for peatland restoration in the National Park. 

Explore green finance opportunities at landscape scale and for a wider range of benefits, including local community benefit.

Identify a pipeline of projects within the National Park over the next five years. 

CNPA, Palladium Investment Group, Scottish Government, landowners, communities


See Objectives B3, B5 and associated actions


See Objective B12 and associated actions 

Heritage Horizons projects associated with nature


Heritage Horizons project

Overview of the project

A1, A2

Woodland expansion

Increase woodland cover in the Cairngorms National Park between 2023 and 2028.  

A1, A3

Peatland restoration

Restore peatland in the National Park between 2023 and 2028. 

A1, A4

Deer management

Develop Strategic Land Use Plans with Deer Management Groups to deliver climate, nature and economy benefits. 

A1, A7

Cairngorms Future Farming

Demonstrate that carbon zero (or even carbon negative) farming is possible, practical and profitable in the Cairngorms.

A1, A7, A8

Regional Land Use Partnership and Land Rights and Responsibilities

An international showcase for inclusive and equitable land management that tests new models and collaborations for people to engage with nature. 

A1, A9

Climate Resilient Catchments

Increase climate change resilience to reduce flood risk and ensure that rivers continue to deliver for the people and wildlife that depend upon them.

A1, A15

Green Investment Plan

Plan, pilot and deliver a blend of private and public finance to contribute to net zero and biodiversity targets.   

A1, A17

Landscape and communities project

Discuss, celebrate and promote the National Park’s landscapes, its value to people and options for change.

People actions 2022 -2027

These are the actions that will help to deliver the long-term People objectives and outcomes over the next five years.

Young child holding mothers hand on woodland walk


People actions 2022-2027


B1, B2

Develop and implement Local Development Plan. 

CNPA, local authorities, landowners, developers 


Develop and implement a Well-Being Economy Action Plan that includes support for business start-up and diversification into circular economy opportunities.

Develop further the evidence base to underpin the importance of the natural environment to the local economy. 

CNPA, Wellbeing Economy Alliance Scotland, Cairngorms Business Partnership, Skills Development Scotland, Zero Waste Scotland, Growbiz, local authorities, Highlands and Islands Enterprise, eNGOs


Undertake a Living Wage audit, promote best practice and regular reports.

Cairngorms Business Partnership, local authorities, CNPA


Support skills training programmes relevant to business needs and changes in land management within the National Park.

Develop scholarships and a mentoring scheme for young people who want to study and continue to live or be employed in the National Park.  

Skills Development Scotland, local authorities, Growbiz, Cairngorms Business Partnership

B6, B7,  B8, B9 

Identify opportunities through a refreshed set of Community Action Plans / Local Place Plans. Develop appropriate advice and guidance to help guide discussions between communities and land managers.   

Align support mechanisms for communities investigating ownership or influence over land.

Develop targeted skills initiatives to support social enterprises.

Support community access to locally-administered funding, replacing previous EU-sourced LEADER and structural funds at a level at least equivalent to the 2014 – 2020 programme.

Highlands and Islands Enterprise, Scottish Enterprise, Scottish Land Commission, Scottish Land Fund, Forestry and Land Scotland, Skills Development Scotland, Voluntary Action in Badenoch and Strathspey, CNPA, Cairngorms Trust, Community Development Trusts


Public bodies implement Gaelic language plans.

Develop suite of support tools in collaboration with local businesses and cultural organisations.

Public bodies, Cairngorms Business Partnership, businesses 

B11, C3, C4

Review, update and deliver the Active Cairngorms Action Plan.  

Extend the health walks programme to every community and increase participation through targeted support to community organisations working with the least active.

Support an Active Schools programme, encouraging active travel to schools throughout the National Park. 

NHS, Paths for All, NGOs, local authorities, Sustrans 



Expand work with equality groups in cities and towns around the National Park to increase visitors from those groups.

Refresh the ‘Park for All’ campaign to address barriers to participation from groups / sectors that find it challenging to enjoy the National Park. 

CNPA Equalities Forum, Backbone, Forestry and Land Scotland, NatureScot, VisitScotland, ranger services, Cairngorms Youth Action Team

B1, B2, B12, B13

Work with the Cairngorms Equalities Advisory Panel to address systemic issues in the National Park to enable a Park for All.

Help to grow the role, remit and influence of the Cairngorms Youth Action Team.

CNPA Equalities Advisory Panel, Backbone, Forestry and Land Scotland, NatureScot, VisitScotland, ranger services, Cairngorms Youth Action Team


Develop and expand CNP Volunteer Rangers, expanding their support to include all communities. 

Develop and expand the Cairngorms Junior Ranger Programme. 

Support communities in maintaining and improving their local environment (path network, litter collection, open spaces, species and habitat etc). 

CNPA, Europarc, ranger services, Volunteer Cairngorms  

Heritage Horizons projects associated with people


Heritage Horizons projects

Overview of the project

A1, B1, B2, B11 

Outreach and engagement programme

Park-wide inclusive participatory programme of workshops to create a shared vision for the Cairngorms in 2030.


Climate learning and education

Empowering and inspiring our young people to deliver net zero and biodiversity targets.


Well-being economy 

Develop an economic model that benefits people and nature whilst protecting the planet’s resources for future generations.

A1, B6, B9

Climate conscious communities

Empowering people to take responsibility for change and see the benefits flow to their communities. 


Citizen assemblies / juries

Create a forum to explore and develop ground up projects to contribute to net zero targets and a well-being economy. 

B6, B7, B8, B9

Community Managed Grant Scheme

Giving communities the power to define, design, fund and deliver projects that matter to them.


Public health and the outdoors

Develop NHS cross-sectoral partnership focused on preventative green health referrals and access to the outdoors. 


Dementia Activity Resource Centre

Demonstrating the benefits of outdoor dementia care and designing world-class therapeutic green health interventions. 

Place actions 2022 – 2027

These are the actions that will help to deliver the long-term Place objectives and outcomes over the next five years.

view along village street


Place actions 2022-2027



Review, update and deliver Cairngorms Tourism Action Plan with increased emphasis on sustainable and active travel, longer dwell times, looking at capacity across the National Park and marketing to promote responsible enjoyment of the Cairngorms. 

Collect and share high quality data on visitor use, behaviour perceptions and aspirations.

Cairngorms Tourism Partnership 


Maintain the National Park’s status as holder of the European Charter for Sustainable Tourism in Protected Areas. 

CNPA, Europarc, Cairngorms Business Partnership

A1, C3, C4

Establish programme for e-bike hire and charging facilities in all main settlements and major visitor hubs.

Pilot park and ride and park and bike projects at key visitor hubs.

Review bus contracts to deliver improved services for workers, communities and visitors, including capacity for bikes.

CNPA, local authorities, Sustrans, Hitrans, Nestrans, Transport Scotland

C4, C5, C6

Develop and implement new Cairngorms Strategic Tourism Infrastructure Plan.

Complete Deeside Way extension to Braemar and increase promotion of Speyside Way.

Promote sustainable maintenance of paths infrastructure and creation of new visitor infrastructure improvements.

Develop and implement Managing for Visitor Plans for key areas of the National Park.

CNPA, local authorities, Sustrans, Scottish Enterprise, landowners, Managing for Visitor group


Complete provision of superfast broadband across the National Park, including delivery of R100 programme ultrafast broadband for main settlements.

Implement Cairngorm Mountain Masterplan.

CNPA, landowners, NatureScot, Scottish Government, Highlands and Islands Enterprise, local authorities, Cairngorm Mountain (Scotland) Ltd, NatureScot, Highland Council, local community


Care for and promote a cultural heritage network, building on the work of the Badenoch: The Storylands project, Tomintoul and Glenlivet Landscape Partnership and Cateran Ecomuseum.

Provide seed funding for community heritage projects that contribute to a cultural heritage network.

Cairngorms Business Partnership, VisitScotland, CNPA, local authorities, Community Development Trusts, Highlife Highland


Introduce Short-term Let Control Areas and Short-term Let Licensing to increase the supply of mid-market properties available for local residents and workers. 

Secure investment in the private rented sector to provide long-term housing for workers and local people.

Develop partnership approaches led by local businesses to address accommodation needs for workers.

Local authorities, CNPA, Scottish Land and Estates, Highlands and Islands Enterprise, Cairngorms Business Partnership


Deliver at least 200 new affordable and mid-market rental properties through local authority Strategic Housing Investment Plans and affordable housing delivery programmes.

Use the next Local Development Programme to identify further locations where more than 25% affordable housing is required.

Continue to support communities to deliver community-led housing solutions, including by making the most of powers to buy land and taking a more pro-active role in management where appropriate. 

Local authorities, housing providers, CNPA, Scottish Government, Communities Housing Trust, Rural Housing Scotland, Community Development Trusts


Review options and funding for public sector purchase of allocated development land.

Support communities to use existing options to control land for development they need.

Local authorities, Scottish Government, Scottish Land Commission, CNPA, Communities Land Scotland


Review mechanisms available to public sector to encourage regeneration of town and village centres.

Introduce measures to reduce vacant properties caused by unrealistic rent expectations.

Local authorities, Scottish Government, CNPA, Federation of Small Businesses, Cairngorms Business Partnership

Heritage Horizons projects associated with place


Heritage Horizons project

Overview of the project

A1, C3, C4

E-bike network 

Develop an integrated e-bike network that results in a significant reduction in personal car use for people moving around the Park.

A1, C3, C4

Active Travel in Badenoch and Strathspey

Create the infrastructure required to connect communities and provide an alternative to car use for short daily journeys for residents and visitors.

A1, C3, C4

Sustainable Travel: Deeside, Angus and Highland Perthshire

Assess options for reducing car use by providing sustainable public transport options for residents and visitors in Deeside, Angus and Highland Perthshire areas of the National Park. 

A1, C3, C5

Glenmore Transport Plan

Develop new sustainable visitor transport model for Aviemore – Glenmore – Cairngorm area. 


Community Arts and Culture programme

Connect people with their traditional culture to develop community, belonging and sustainability.

This engagement phase has finished

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